Thursday, February 13, 2014

Getting your home ready for spring!


Clean or replace your furnace filter. A dirty filter can lower the efficiency of your home’s AC system. If the filter is reusable, remove it, wash down with a hose and then re-insert.
Test your air conditioning system. If you wait until the first hot day of the season day to check it and have a problem, you’ll probably be waiting quite a while to have it serviced!

Check caulking around all doors and windows. Improper caulking allows for moisture to get inside your walls and cause mold. This is also the perfect time to wash/clean all windows and replace torn or damaged screens as necessary.

Test smoke, fire and carbon monoxide alarms, replacing batteries and cleaning dust from the covers.
Clean ceiling fans. Whether you utilize overhead fans year-round or only during the warmer months, wipe down blades with an all-purpose cleaner. In addition to a providing a calming breeze, ceiling fans increase the overall airflow throughout your home.

Dust and check wattage of light bulbs. While cleaning each bulb, check for correct wattage. A fire can result within a light fixture, wall or ceiling if the wattage used in a fixture is too high.

Clean out your refrigerator and freezer. If you have a coil-back refrigerator, vacuum the coils at least twice each year for maximum efficiency. Wipe down interior and exterior surfaces, and place new boxes of baking soda in each to maintain overall freshness.


Check for possible damage to the roof.  Look for missing, cracked or broken shingles and make note of any needed repairs.

Clean gutters and downspouts and make sure they are directing water away from the house.

Cut back tree limbs and shrubs growing within five feet of the house or that are brushing up against the roof. You will create better ventilation, help dry out surfaces and prevent possible damage.
Check for and repair cracks in driveway/sidewalk. Spring is the best time to seal cracks in the driveway or any other concrete.
Spring is the optimal time to perform both indoor and outdoor pest control. 
Clean/condition your BBQ grill by first rinsing all outside surfaces with water. Wipe off loose grease using grill cleaner and paper towels. Follow by washing with a mild detergent and water. Rinse well and wipe dry.

One last hot tip: You can use spring cleaning as a prompt to schedule household maintenance and service checks that will prevent problems down the line....and don't forget to checkout the HOME WATCH TEAM who's looking after your clean home when you go on vacation :-)

Carefree Homewatch SWFL is only one call away: 239-560-4551


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